Photo Gallery

Browse our collection of photos to see some recent community events.

If you have photos of a recent VFW or Veteran Service Organization event here in Howard County, MD, please send them to

Cookies With Santa

On December 8th, 2024, the Auxiliary had Santa and Mrs Claus down from the North Pole for Cookies and Hot Chocolate at the Post.   Everyone had a great time and Santa said all the children were on the ’Nice’ list.  
Thanks to Auxiliary members for supporting the event and to Julie Kelley for leading it.  Santa said he and Mrs. Claus look forward to coming for a visit again next year.

Bi-Monthly Poker Tournament

Every two months, VFW Post 7472 hosts a Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament, with all proceeds going to support Veterans in need. Tournaments will be starting back up again in March, so check back soon to our Events page for more details.

Al Bucci’s 101st Birthday

Al Bucci, A WWII veteran and Life Member of VFW Post 7472 celebrated his 101st Birthday with our Post this past July. The celebration was catered by Mission BBQ and everyone had a great time celebrating the life and service of our friend and brother, Al.